Ways to Give

Fundraise for Family Services of the North Shore

Fundraising at home, school, or work to support Family Services of the North Shore can be a rewarding way to create connections and care for people in your community.
Alison Sawers and the Masks & Hearts team’s hand made heart pillows, raising funds for our Christmas Bureau!

Support Family Services of the North Shore with a fundraising initiative! If you have a creative fundraising idea to support Family Services of the North Shore, Regan Scott, our Coordinator of Development Services would love to hear from you. Please submit our fundraiser proposal form, to get started!

We were thrilled with the amount of support we received from our community throughout 2020 and in particular the creative ways our North Shore neighbours found to raise funds to support their neighbours in need. This came from all areas – from match campaigns to making and selling heart pillows, to virtual brunches and cocktail parties. Thank you to our various partners including, local businesses OPEX North Shore and Caffe Artigiano, longstanding partners Neptune Terminals, BlueShore Financial, Western Stevedoring, and individuals and volunteers alike.

Together this creative and unusual support raised over $200,000 – to see the impact of this support, click here.

Learn more about how to organize a fundraising event. Give Regan Scott a call at 604-988-5281 or

Email Regan