Connect with your community through the Christmas Bureau

For over 40 years, Family Services of the North Shore has touched the lives of some of our most vulnerable community members through the Christmas Bureau. This annual program ensures that everyone can celebrate the holiday season, regardless of their financial circumstances. 

Drive-thru Toy Drive supported by the

Every year, our friends at the Northshore Auto Mall host the Christmas Bureau Toy Drive. Families, businesses, and community groups drop off new unwrapped gifts for children and teenagers in need. This year we are so excited to be in-person for a drive-thru Toy Drive.  We’ll have all the fun and excitement of past years, with everyone’s safety in mind.  Please join us on Sunday, December 5 any time between 12:00 and 4:00pm, at Park Shore BMW in the Northshore Auto Mall.

The Northshore Auto Mall has generously pledged to match all Toy Drive donations made, up to $10,000.   Toy Drive donations go directly toward purchasing toys and gifts for children and teens, to ensure vulnerable North Shore families can share in the joy of the holidays with presents under the tree.  To make your donation, please click the button below.

Donate to the Toy Drive


Community Pop-ups 

This year, our Christmas Bureau is popping up across the North Shore on Saturday afternoons!  Volunteers will be on site at our Pop-ups to answer questions, provide information, accept donations, and will have an amazing supply of  the incredible handmade hearts, fabric shopping totes, and other items for purchase.  The Pop-ups take place on Saturdays from 12:00 – 3:00 pm through December 4, 2021.  Please follow us on social media for specific locations each week, or contact us directly at the Christmas Bureau 604-984-9627, for more information.