Thrive Family Programs Rights & Responsibilities



Thrive Family Programs Rights & Responsibilities

You have the right to:

  • Be treated fairly, honestly, and respectfully
  • Be considered an expert in your own life experience
  • Make a suggestion or complaint regarding our services. Please click here for our Complaints Process
  • Inquire about the qualifications, training, and experience of our staff
  • Privacy and confidentiality, should you choose to share personal information. Exceptions to confidentiality include suspected or confirmed child abuse or neglect, danger to self or others. In the case of supervision, consultation, quality improvement or accreditation processes at Family Services of the North Shore confidentiality may also be excepted. However, all personnel involved are bound to maintain strict confidentiality.

You have the responsibility to:

  • Supervise your children at all times
  • Bring only healthy children to the centre (please refrain from attending if your child has a cold, fever, has been vomiting, or has a communicable disease e.g. chicken pox)
  • Inform staff of any allergy, medical condition, disability, or cultural need that requires our awareness or sensitivity in providing services
  • Complete a registration form and advise staff of ongoing changes
  • Treat others with fairness, honesty, and respect
  • Maintain the confidentiality of other participants

We encourage you to:

  • Play with your children
  • Assist your children with pick-up and clean-up before moving on to another activity
  • Have your children sit at the table during art activities or snack time
  • Help your children participate in circle time
  • Bring a peanut/nut-free snack (e.g. fruit or vegetable) to share with the other participants
  • Make a donation to support program costs